Getting started with Git

Let's begin git init — creates repository. git init newproject — creates and names repository. git add — add file for git to track. git commit -a -m "note here" — commit all changes and add commit note. git status — prints status based on what's changed since you last committed. touch file1 file2 file3…

Refactoring CSS with SASS

SASS is a CSS preprocessor that extends CSS. A layer that sits between SASS and CSS SASS compiles/translates SASS to CSS Install Last login: Mon May 23 14:51:24 on ttys000 Thomass-MacBook-Air:~ thomaswilliams$ sass -v -bash: sass: command not found Thomass-MacBook-Air:~ thomaswilliams$ gem install sass ERROR: While executing…

:before & :after pseudo elements

Benefit of dynamically inserting supporting non structural objects without needlessly disrupting or cluttering DOM. One of the most obvious uses to clear floats. Here are a few additional uses. Icons Pseudo elements are often used to insert icons allowing access to every CSS style property while the icon itself can…

Footer timestamps

JS Refreshes browser side through user time setting using JavaScript Date Object. <script type="text/javascript"> document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); </script> 2016 &copy; 2010 <script type="text/javascript"> new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear()); <…

Styling list markers

If you're looking to incorporate a numbered list in a site it's likely you'll be using an ordered list <ol> and it's not unlikely you'll be looking to style the numerals generated. While not as straight forward as you might assume, it can be done. Roger Johansson's tutorial…