Improving the command line experience

Adjusting OSX Terminal with bash, rearranging and enabling colours to allow for easier scanning and readability. Located in user home directory, .bash_profile can be edited with nano .bash_profile or preferred editor. The following can be added to the file: export PS1="\[\033[36m\]\u\[\033[m\]@\[\033[32m\…

Pushing all Git branches

To push all your branches, use either (replace REMOTE with the name of the remote, for example "origin"): git push REMOTE '*:*' Or git push REMOTE --all However --all only works with branches checked out so will require preceeding with: for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v master…

Sketch Quick Keys

Insert New Artboard A Slice S Rectangle R Rounded Rectangle U Oval O Line L Vector Point V Pencil P Text T Type BoldCmd + B ItalicCmd + I UnderlineCmd + U Increase Font SizeAlt + Cmd (+) + Decrease Font SizeAlt + Cmd (+) – Increase Character SpacingAlt + Control + L Decrease Character SpacingAlt + Control + T Change FontCmd + T…

Cleaner SVGs with Sketch & Ai

Cleaner SVGs with Sketch At time of writing, several bugs exist in Sketch to muddy SVG output with additional html in export. As noted by Sean Kesterson these can be avoided by removing: Half pixels from artboard’s position. Icon rotations. General steps to achieving cleaner SVGs Some helpful points…